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My Yale in London writing students on our visit to Liverpool, Summer 2022

"Adam Sexton's instruction set me on a thrilling path. Adam is a confident, brilliant guide to recognizing your talents and building beautiful things from there. I've taken many classes in my life and have forgotten many lessons and guides in the process but his classes and method have remained with me, daily. I work to make him proud."
-- Carmen Rita Wong, author, the memoir Why Didn't You Tell Me, and (as Carmen Rita) the novels Never Too Real and Never Too Late.


"Adam's class inspired me to quit my job and leave New York City to get my Ph.D. in Creative Writing."
-- Margot Singer, Associate Professor of English, Denison University; author, Underground Fugue and The Pale of Settlement, winner of the Flannery O'Connor Award for Short Fiction, the Glasgow Prize for Emerging Writers, and the Reform Judaism Prize for Jewish Fiction




Yale College

Department of English

Lecturer, 2013-present
-- Writing About Music, 2016-present
-- The Craft of Fiction, 2014-present
-- Reading and Writing the Modern Essay, 2013-23

School of Art
Department of Graphic Design
Critic, 2016-present


Yale in London

Department of British Studies

Lecturer, Summer 2022

-- Writing About Music in the UK


Bass Family Trumbull College Writing Tutor, 2014-present
Daily Themes Tutor, 2014

COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, School of the Arts, New York, NY

Adjunct Assistant Professor
-- Reading Fiction for Writers, Summer 2015
-- Nonfiction Workshop, Summers 2014, 2015

NEW YORK UNIVERSITY, School of Continuing and Professional Studies, New York, NY

-- Fiction Writing I, 2007
-- Reading Moby-Dick, 2006
-- Philip Roth’s Alter Egos, 2005
-- Reading Fiction for Fiction Writers, 2003-2006
-- Nonfiction and Fiction Tutorials, 2002-2007
-- Beginning and Advanced Nonfiction Writing, 2001-2006

Part-time Lecturer
-- Beginning and Advanced Nonfiction Writing, 2001


-- Critical Reading and Writing I and II, 2003-2007
-- HEOP Critical Studies, Summers 2004-2005
-- Literature and Composition II: Race and Gender, Rock and Rap, 2002-2003
-- Wireless Literature and Composition I and II, 2001-2003
-- Literature and Composition I, 2000-2003

Faculty Adviser
-- Independent Study in Fiction Writing, 2001


Part-time Lecturer
-- Expository Writing, 1997




Yale Model United Nations, Omni Hotel, New Haven, CT

Invited lecturer, 2024-25

 -- Topic: What Is a Narrative?


Yale College, New Haven, CT

Invited presenter, Shakespeare and Popular Culture, 2024

 -- Topic: Adapting Shakespeare's Tragedies as Manga 


Yale School of Public Health, New Haven, CT

Invited lecturer, Social Gerontology and Health Lab, 2024

 -- Topic: How to Tell a Story


Yale College, New Haven, CT

Plenary lecturer, Daily Themes, 2023-24

 -- Topic: Characterization through Narrative


Yale University, New Haven, CT

Invited lecturer, Yale Summer Session Lecture Series, 2023

 -- Topic: What Is a Narrative?


Yale Writers' Conference, New Haven, CT
Plenary lecturer, 2017
-- Topic: Reading Like a Writer

Yale College, New Haven, CT
Plenary lecturer, Intro to Creative Writing, 2015-16
-- Topic: Introduction to Fiction Writing

University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL
Hudson Strode Lecturer in the Age of Shakespeare, 2015
-- Topic: Classics, Illustrated: Faithfully Adapting Shakespeare's Tragedies as Manga

Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C.
Invited lecturer, Words on Will series, 2008
-- Topic: Shakespeare + Manga

Gallatin School, New York University, New York, NY
Invited lecturer, 2008
-- Topic: Adapting Hamlet

Paul McGhee Division, New York University, New York, NY
Guest author, Foundations of the Creative Process course, 2008

University of Pennsylvania Kelly Writer’s House, New York, NY
Invited lecturer, 1999 and 2006
-- Topics: Point of View in Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying, Structure in Joyce’s ‘Araby’, and Plot and Structure in Fiction Writing



Awarded FAS Instructional Faculty Conference Travel Grant, Yale University, 2024


Awarded English Department Discretionary Funds, Yale University, 2023-24


Named Trumbull Residential College Fellow, Yale University, 2019


Named Silliman Residential College Fellow, Yale University, 2015


Named Finalist for Distinguished University Teaching Award, The New School, 2007

Awarded Professional Equity Project Grant, The New School, 2003
-- Nominated by The New School and awarded membership, expenses, and admission to annual Conference on College Composition and Communication

Awarded New School Faculty Development Fund Grant, The New School, 2002-2003
-- One of 2 instructors awarded $6,000 to instruct Parsons faculty in pedagogical adaptations of new media

Awarded teaching fellow for assistance with instruction, The New School, 2002

Interviewed on the teaching of writing and literature by Time and Poets & Writers

Classes featured on BBC Radio and in Philadelphia Weekly